Fillable PDF tags

Fillable PDF Tags are the best intelligent tag option to add the tags you want to any PDF documents.

Make sure that you have access to PDF editing software, such as Adobe Pro, to properly add the fillable tags.

This article contains the following sections:

See these related articles:

Fillable PDF tag formats

The following table shows the fillable PDF tag format for the available fillable PDF tags you can add as PDF form field names.

Name PDF Tag Format
Full Signature Stamp SertifiSStamp_1
Small Signature Box SertifiSignature_1
Initial Box SertifiInitial_1
Date Box SertifiDate_1
Company Box SertifiCompany_1
Title Box SertifiTitle_1
Custom Box SertifiG_1
In Document Payment Authorization SertifiPaymentAuth_1
Signer Upload SertifiUpload_1

Adding fillable PDF tags to your PDFs

To add fillable PDF tags:

  1. Decide what types of tags and information you want to collect, and where you want the tags to appear on your PDF document.
  2. Open the PDF document in your PDF editor. Add a textbox where you want a tag to appear.
  3. Enter the tag format from the Formatting section as the name of your PDF form field.
  4. Save the document after you add all the necessary tags.
  5. Send a trial request through the Sertifi Portal to ensure your tags appear properly. If your tags aren't appearing the way you want them to, edit the placement in your PDF where you added the textboxes.
  6. Send your document for signature.

Fillable PDF tag examples

Click here to download an example PDF with fillable PDF tags before it's signed.

Click here to download an example PDF with fillable PDF tags after it's signed.