Welcome to the Sertifi Support Center
Dive Into Our Products
Our mission is to help businesses around the world finalize agreements securely, efficiently, and conveniently. Sertifi eSignatures covers your most basic to complex eSignature needs. Sertifi ePayments couples our eSignature tool with online payment capture via a secure and PCI compliant process. Sertifi eAuthorizations takes paper authorization forms fully digital with instant verification and authorization, while lowering PCI risk and liability. And Sertifi eConfirmations automates the transfer of payment details between travel agencies and hotels, streamlining the entire process. Interested in learning more about a specific product? Request more information anytime!
Dedicated Support. Seriously.
With more than a decade of knowledge and experience with enterprise, global, and multi-property deployments, new customers hit the ground running with Sertifi, no matter the company size. Our commitment to customer success is proven by our 96% customer retention rate and glowing user reviews. From the moment you sign up, you work with a dedicated member of our success team, to provide a seamless experience from onboarding and training to on-going support.
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